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Engar vörur í körfu


    Eyrnatappar X100 200 pör grænir

    Eyrnatappar X100, einnota, keilulaga og þægilegir fyrir langvarandi hávaða.
    Vörunúmer: 003216
    Fljótleg afhending
    Ókeypis sendingarkostnaður

    Ergonomic and comfortable earplugs that provide good sound isolation without reducing the clarity of conversation.

    The soft material adapts to the ear canal and ensures maximum comfort during prolonged use.

    The X-shaped design has several advantages. It reduces pressure at the entrance of the ear canal and molds better to the shape of the ear, ensuring stable and good isolation. A sealed surface finish prevents dirt from entering the earbuds, enhancing both durability and hygiene.

    • Excellent sound insulation for noisy environments
    • Simple insertion and easy to remove
    • Provide maximum comfort during prolonged use

    Suitable for jobs where noise protection is necessary over a longer period of time.

    Tæknilegar upplýsingar
    Nafn á eigindi Eigindargildi
    SNR attenuation value 37 dB
    L attenuation value 34 dB
    M attenuation value 34 dB
    H attenuation value 36 dB
    Aðrar upplýsingar Mjúkir eyrnatappar sem henta flestum
    Magn 50 pör í pakka
    Litur Neon grænn
    Skrifaðu þína eigin umsögn
    • Aðeins skráðir notendur geta skrifað umsagnir
    • Slæm
    • Frábær

    Ergonomic and comfortable earplugs that provide good sound isolation without reducing the clarity of conversation.

    The soft material adapts to the ear canal and ensures maximum comfort during prolonged use.

    The X-shaped design has several advantages. It reduces pressure at the entrance of the ear canal and molds better to the shape of the ear, ensuring stable and good isolation. A sealed surface finish prevents dirt from entering the earbuds, enhancing both durability and hygiene.

    • Excellent sound insulation for noisy environments
    • Simple insertion and easy to remove
    • Provide maximum comfort during prolonged use

    Suitable for jobs where noise protection is necessary over a longer period of time.

    Tæknilegar upplýsingar
    SNR attenuation value 37 dB
    L attenuation value 34 dB
    M attenuation value 34 dB
    H attenuation value 36 dB
    Aðrar upplýsingar Mjúkir eyrnatappar sem henta flestum
    Magn 50 pör í pakka
    Litur Neon grænn