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    Festifrauð f. byssu 500ml - 15 stk saman

    Festifrauð, einþátta byssufrauð fyrir fjölbreytta notkun
    Vörunúmer: 003243
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    Festifrauð, einþátta byssufrauð fyrir fjölbreytta notkun.

    • Mikil nýtni: Allt að 40 lítrar af frauði úr einum brúsa
    • Hentar í vetraraðstæður: Virkar við yfirborðs- og umhverfishita niður í -5°C
    • Fínkornótt og jöfn uppbygging: Tryggir stöðugt og áreiðanlegt útlit
    • Sílikon- og leysiefnalaust: Öruggt og umhverfisvænt
    • Öldrunarþolið: Viðheldur eiginleikum sínum yfir tíma

    Prófaðar eiginleikar:

    • Hljóðeinangrun: RST,w = 61 dB samkvæmt DIN 52210
    • Hitaleiðni samkvæmt DIN 52612
    • Loftþéttleiki samkvæmt EN 1026
    • Vatnsgufuflæði samkvæmt DIN EN ISO 12572
    • Orkusparnaður samkvæmt EnEV, dregur úr hitakostnaði um 6%
    • Eldflokkur B2 samkvæmt DIN 4102, hluti 1


    • Uppfyllir kröfur RAL um miðlagseinangrun
    • EMICODE EC1plus: Mjög lítil losun, umhverfisvænt og heilsusamlegt
    • IFT vottun fyrir útlitsþéttingar QM360: 2014

    Athugið: Grunnur ætti að vera notaður á gljúpa og mjög rakadræga fleti. Hentar aðeins með PURlogic® TOP froðubyssum (vöru nr. 0891 152 4). Aðrar froðubyssur eru ekki samhæfðar.

    Tæknilegar upplýsingar
    Nafn á eigindi Eigindargildi
    Contents 500 ml
    Colour Concrete grey
    Container Can
    Chemical basis Single component polyurethane
    Min. tensile strength 8 N/mm²
    Conditions for tensile strength based on DIN 53430
    Elongation at break 20 %
    Min. combined tension and shear resistance 12 N/cm²
    Resistance against Aging
    Max. temperature resistance 90 °C
    Weight of content 475 g
    Number per pallet 825 PCS
    Ultraviolet resistance No
    Min. temperature resistance -40 °C
    Shelf life from production 12 Month
    Conditions to maintain shelf life from production at 20°C
    Heat conductance λ 0.036 W/(m*K)
    Heat conductance λ conditions in accordance with DIN 52612
    Building material class B2 - Normally inflammable
    Building material class conditions in accordance with DIN 4102-1
    Moulded density 12 kg/m³
    Conditions for moulded density tested in accordance with Würth test methods
    Water absorption (%) 0.3 Vol-%
    Water absorption conditions in accordance with DIN 53433
    Min. processing temperature 5 °C
    Max. processing temperature 25 °C
    Compression strength 2 N/cm²
    Compression strength conditions based on DIN 53421, at 10% compression
    Breaking elongation conditions in accordance with DIN 53571
    CFC (fuel gas) free Yes
    Smell/fragrance Characteristic
    Conditions for combined tension and shear resistance in accordance with DIN 53427
    Cell structure Medium - fine
    Cell structure conditions tested in accordance with Würth test methods
    Tack-free after 7 min
    Conditions for being tack-free at 23°C and 50% humidity
    Can be cut after 40 min
    Conditions for ability to cut at 23°C and 50% relative humidity
    Final spreading possible after 2 h
    Conditions for final spreading for 30-mm foam bead
    Full resilience 12 h
    Conditions for full resilience at 20°C and 65% relative humidity
    Min. ambient processing temperature -5 °C
    Max. ambient processing temperature 30 °C
    Min. surface processing temperature -5 °C
    Max. surface processing temperature 30 °C
    Min. processing temperature for can 5 °C
    Max. processing temperature for can 25 °C
    Breaking elongation 20 %
    Elongation at break conditions based on DIN 53430
    Yield (volume) approx. 40 l
    Conditions for yield Foam yield (free foaming)
    HCFC-free Yes
    Skrifaðu þína eigin umsögn
    • Aðeins skráðir notendur geta skrifað umsagnir
    • Slæm
    • Frábær

    Festifrauð, einþátta byssufrauð fyrir fjölbreytta notkun.

    • Mikil nýtni: Allt að 40 lítrar af frauði úr einum brúsa
    • Hentar í vetraraðstæður: Virkar við yfirborðs- og umhverfishita niður í -5°C
    • Fínkornótt og jöfn uppbygging: Tryggir stöðugt og áreiðanlegt útlit
    • Sílikon- og leysiefnalaust: Öruggt og umhverfisvænt
    • Öldrunarþolið: Viðheldur eiginleikum sínum yfir tíma

    Prófaðar eiginleikar:

    • Hljóðeinangrun: RST,w = 61 dB samkvæmt DIN 52210
    • Hitaleiðni samkvæmt DIN 52612
    • Loftþéttleiki samkvæmt EN 1026
    • Vatnsgufuflæði samkvæmt DIN EN ISO 12572
    • Orkusparnaður samkvæmt EnEV, dregur úr hitakostnaði um 6%
    • Eldflokkur B2 samkvæmt DIN 4102, hluti 1


    • Uppfyllir kröfur RAL um miðlagseinangrun
    • EMICODE EC1plus: Mjög lítil losun, umhverfisvænt og heilsusamlegt
    • IFT vottun fyrir útlitsþéttingar QM360: 2014

    Athugið: Grunnur ætti að vera notaður á gljúpa og mjög rakadræga fleti. Hentar aðeins með PURlogic® TOP froðubyssum (vöru nr. 0891 152 4). Aðrar froðubyssur eru ekki samhæfðar.

    Tæknilegar upplýsingar
    Contents 500 ml
    Colour Concrete grey
    Container Can
    Chemical basis Single component polyurethane
    Min. tensile strength 8 N/mm²
    Conditions for tensile strength based on DIN 53430
    Elongation at break 20 %
    Min. combined tension and shear resistance 12 N/cm²
    Resistance against Aging
    Max. temperature resistance 90 °C
    Weight of content 475 g
    Number per pallet 825 PCS
    Ultraviolet resistance No
    Min. temperature resistance -40 °C
    Shelf life from production 12 Month
    Conditions to maintain shelf life from production at 20°C
    Heat conductance λ 0.036 W/(m*K)
    Heat conductance λ conditions in accordance with DIN 52612
    Building material class B2 - Normally inflammable
    Building material class conditions in accordance with DIN 4102-1
    Moulded density 12 kg/m³
    Conditions for moulded density tested in accordance with Würth test methods
    Water absorption (%) 0.3 Vol-%
    Water absorption conditions in accordance with DIN 53433
    Min. processing temperature 5 °C
    Max. processing temperature 25 °C
    Compression strength 2 N/cm²
    Compression strength conditions based on DIN 53421, at 10% compression
    Breaking elongation conditions in accordance with DIN 53571
    CFC (fuel gas) free Yes
    Smell/fragrance Characteristic
    Conditions for combined tension and shear resistance in accordance with DIN 53427
    Cell structure Medium - fine
    Cell structure conditions tested in accordance with Würth test methods
    Tack-free after 7 min
    Conditions for being tack-free at 23°C and 50% humidity
    Can be cut after 40 min
    Conditions for ability to cut at 23°C and 50% relative humidity
    Final spreading possible after 2 h
    Conditions for final spreading for 30-mm foam bead
    Full resilience 12 h
    Conditions for full resilience at 20°C and 65% relative humidity
    Min. ambient processing temperature -5 °C
    Max. ambient processing temperature 30 °C
    Min. surface processing temperature -5 °C
    Max. surface processing temperature 30 °C
    Min. processing temperature for can 5 °C
    Max. processing temperature for can 25 °C
    Breaking elongation 20 %
    Elongation at break conditions based on DIN 53430
    Yield (volume) approx. 40 l
    Conditions for yield Foam yield (free foaming)
    HCFC-free Yes