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    Eldvarnarfrauð B1 - 750ml - rautt - 12 stk saman

    Brunarvarnarfroða til brunaöryggisþéttingar á línulegum samskeytum
    Vörunúmer: 003245
    Fljótleg afhending
    Ókeypis sendingarkostnaður

    • Brunarvarnarfroða til brunaöryggisþéttingar á línulegum samskeytum
    • Lokar gegn eld og brennslulofttegundum
    • Festist mjög vel við flest byggingarefni
    • Hentar á t.d. steinsteypu, múr, leirstein o.f.l.
    • Veitir góða hljóðeinangrun
    • Eldþolsflokkur allt að EI 180

    Tæknilegar upplýsingar
    Nafn á eigindi Eigindargildi
    Contents 750 ml
    Colour Light red
    Container Aerosol can
    Chemical basis Polyurethane
    Min. skin-formation time 10 min
    Min./max. processing temperature 10 to 30 °C
    Silicone-free Yes
    Product weight (per item) 950 g
    Weight of content 800 g
    Ultraviolet resistance No
    Shelf life from production 12 Month
    Conditions to maintain shelf life from production dry storage area, 5°C to 30°C
    Building material class conditions in accordance with DIN EN 13501-1
    Min. processing temperature 10 °C
    Max. processing temperature 30 °C
    Density 1.2 g/cm³
    Min. surface processing temperature 10 °C
    Max. surface processing temperature 30 °C
    Min. processing temperature for can 10 °C
    Max. processing temperature for can 30 °C
    Yield (volume) approx. 35 l
    Conditions for yield Foam yield (free foaming)
    Min./max. surface processing temperature 10 to 30 °C
    Min./max. processing temperature for can 10 to 30 °C
    Max. joint width 30 mm
    Yield (volume) approx./conditions 35 l/Foam yield (free foaming)
    Adhesion Good
    Building materal class B-s1, d0 - Of low flammability
    Skrifaðu þína eigin umsögn
    • Aðeins skráðir notendur geta skrifað umsagnir
    • Slæm
    • Frábær

    • Brunarvarnarfroða til brunaöryggisþéttingar á línulegum samskeytum
    • Lokar gegn eld og brennslulofttegundum
    • Festist mjög vel við flest byggingarefni
    • Hentar á t.d. steinsteypu, múr, leirstein o.f.l.
    • Veitir góða hljóðeinangrun
    • Eldþolsflokkur allt að EI 180

    Tæknilegar upplýsingar
    Contents 750 ml
    Colour Light red
    Container Aerosol can
    Chemical basis Polyurethane
    Min. skin-formation time 10 min
    Min./max. processing temperature 10 to 30 °C
    Silicone-free Yes
    Product weight (per item) 950 g
    Weight of content 800 g
    Ultraviolet resistance No
    Shelf life from production 12 Month
    Conditions to maintain shelf life from production dry storage area, 5°C to 30°C
    Building material class conditions in accordance with DIN EN 13501-1
    Min. processing temperature 10 °C
    Max. processing temperature 30 °C
    Density 1.2 g/cm³
    Min. surface processing temperature 10 °C
    Max. surface processing temperature 30 °C
    Min. processing temperature for can 10 °C
    Max. processing temperature for can 30 °C
    Yield (volume) approx. 35 l
    Conditions for yield Foam yield (free foaming)
    Min./max. surface processing temperature 10 to 30 °C
    Min./max. processing temperature for can 10 to 30 °C
    Max. joint width 30 mm
    Yield (volume) approx./conditions 35 l/Foam yield (free foaming)
    Adhesion Good
    Building materal class B-s1, d0 - Of low flammability