Mínar síður

Snúningsliður ¼'

  • Tækniupplýsingar
  • Ítarupplýsingar
For pneumatic tools

High flexibility right at the pneumatic device makes use much easier

Can be bent to at least 180°

No bending of the connecting hose.

Can be rotated through 360°

Prevents the pneumatic hose from twisting.

A manometer can be connected directly to the swivel joint

Working pressure is measured right at the pneumatic tool.


Each connection leads to pressure losses. For this reason, a pneumatic system should only have as many connections as is really necessary. Insufficient operating pressure leads to performance losses.

  • Pneumatic connection 1/4 inch ET x 1/4 inch IT
  • Flow capacity 750 l/min

Vörunafn M. í kassa
Snúningsliður ¼' 0699 261 4 1x
Alternate Text

Snúningsliður ¼'

Vörunúmer: 0699 261 4

Tæknilegar upplýsingar

  • Pneumatic connection

    1/4 inch ET x 1/4 inch IT
  • Flow capacity

    750 l/min