Mínar síður

Andlitsgrímusett basic

Vörunúmer: 1900 H50 004
Andlitsgrímusett basic
  • Tækniupplýsingar
  • Material TPE
  • Colour Grey
  • Approval EN 140:1998
  • Assign. protection factor 20
  • Nom. protection factor 48 (GasX P3), 48 (P3), 50 (GasX P3)
  • Shelf life 5 years
  • Model description Basic Pack
  • Country of manufacture Sweden

Vörunafn Model description M. í kassa
Andlitsgrímusett basic sr900 m 1900 H50 004 Basic Pack 1x
Alternate Text

Andlitsgrímusett basic sr900 m

Vörunúmer: 1900 H50 004

Tæknilegar upplýsingar

  • Material

  • Colour

  • Approval

    EN 140:1998
  • Assign. protection factor

  • Nom. protection factor

    48 (GasX P3), 48 (P3), 50 (GasX P3)
  • Shelf life

    5 years
  • Model description

    Basic Pack
  • Country of manufacture
