Mínar síður

Rafræn hlustunarsjá

Rafræn hlustunarsjá
  • Tækniupplýsingar
  • Information Under bonnet
    Clamps can be fixed onto many vehicle locations for road testing when diagnosis is difficult
    Designed to allow the user to listen to amplified sounds through a professional set of headphones during a road test

Vörunafn M. í kassa
Electronic stethoscope 1715 53 606 1x
Alternate Text

Electronic stethoscope

Vörunúmer: 1715 53 606

Tæknilegar upplýsingar

  • Information

    Under bonnet
    Clamps can be fixed onto many vehicle locations for road testing when diagnosis is difficult
    Designed to allow the user to listen to amplified sounds through a professional set of headphones during a road test