Mínar síður


  • Tækniupplýsingar
  • Ítarupplýsingar
Complete set for protection against solvents. Comprising a half face mask, gas filters, particle pre-filter and holder in a practical box.
  • Number of pieces in assortment/set 8 PCS

Vörunafn M. í kassa
?ryksía fyrir 0899 173 100 sett 0899 173 001 10x
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?ryksía fyrir 0899 173 100 sett

Vörunúmer: 0899 173 001

Tæknilegar upplýsingar

  • Range of applications

    As a particle prefilter for gas filters for solid and liquid particles
  • Filter class

  • Protection against

    Fine dusts up to 10 times the limit value
    Fine dusts with full face mask up to 15 times the limit value
?gassía fyrir 0899 173 100 sett 0899 173 003 6x
Alternate Text

?gassía fyrir 0899 173 100 sett

Vörunúmer: 0899 173 003

Tæknilegar upplýsingar

  • Range of applications

    Spray painting
    Application of solvents
  • Filter class

  • Protection against

    Organic vapours and gases (boiling point above 65°C)
?öndunargríma sett 8 hlutir 0899 173 100 1x
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?öndunargríma sett 8 hlutir

Vörunúmer: 0899 173 100

Tæknilegar upplýsingar

  • Number of pieces in assortment/set

    8 PCS